Replaced StuGIIIG by StuGIIIGRandom, the one with the skirts Arnhem - Fixed 6pdr inside a building, replaced panther D by more historically accurate panther G and Eastern Blitz (coal mine lights, decreased view distance) Berlin Streets (classes, random german uniforms, added kits, loading screen, lighting, planks collsions) Kharkov winter (removed Yak from start, AA and arti locked) Skin paths (japanese planes, camo german tanks, etc) Midway-1942 (quonset_destroyed plus code) VERSION 0.70 RC1 (INTERNAL VERSION DATE )
Fixed capitalisation and sorting of map names Fixed duplicated carriers on Midway-1942
Fixed partially locked Japanese planes on Midway-1942 Fixed incompletely packed Berlin-1945-Streets VERSION 0.70 RC2 (INTERNAL VERSION DATE ) Fixed T34 resources for missing texture VERSION 0.70 RC3 (INTERNAL VERSION DATE )