Fast travel can be accessed while the overhead map is open by hovering over a fast travel symbol.Planets where viability can be increase will have a percentage complete indicator and color coded bar on the upper left side of the screen.Each major planet as well as other gameplay missions will have their own overhead map (potentially with different levels).The Fog Of War initially covers the overhead map with opaque black until you explore an area and reveal what is hiding underneath the fog.Sometimes a symbol will not be on the overhead map but will appear on the heads-up display (HUD) Compass. Symbols on the overhead map stay once discovered. Different symbols are placed initially on the map and others are added during exploration or through other gameplay features.
This is an overhead view of the current area in which you are located. The Map can be accessed from the Main Menu during gameplay and provides an overhead view of the current area in which you are located. While the Map may sound like an intuitive concept, there are a number of features and functions that aren't explained during gameplay.